Saturday, November 22, 2008

Life Lessons...

Don't ya just hate it when you have to learn lessons the hard way... For example: We have had a long week that threw lots of food for thought our way; a good friend passed away, another good friend gave us quite a medical scare but dodged the bullet, another friend was diagnosed with terminal cancer and has about a year to live, and goodness, what about Cliff Anderson? So we have been pretty humble. Our RS goes to the temple together once a month and this last Thursday was the day. I always convince myself I don't have time to go, etc. But early in the week I decided I would go no matter what. I do not attend near as often as I should so it gets to be a pretty big occasion when I do go. So I was psyched all week. You just know how special the session will be, how wonderful you will feel when you come out, and the peaceful feeling you get inside. I even washed and ironed my clothes, which is REALLY out of the ordinary! I talked to RS pres Wed. night and planned out rides, etc. I told her I could take some sisters over, but that I had shopping to do afterwards so they would have to ride home with others. Ended up a good friend rode with me and we had a great conversation. She is moving to PA in Jan and so it was good to chat one on one. We got to the temple, entered, and started filing through. "Thank you, sister!" "Thank you, brother!" And then it was my turn. "Oh, sister... Could you step aside please?" WWWHHHAAATTT? Panic set in. He assisted the rest of the line and then turned to me and said, "Let's try this again." and scanned my card. He then looked at me and apologized saying, "I'm sorry, sister. It seems your recommend has expired." And he tried scanning it a third time. No luck. We looked at it and sure enough, it expired in October. The life just leaked out of me. How could this be? I was SOOOO ready for this. OR SO I THOUGHT... I'm trying not to ramble, really! So the rest of my group went on in and there I stood... I gathered myself together and returned to my car. I had to sit at the entrance to the parking lot and wait for four or five cars to enter before I could exit... I went to the bottom of the hill, parked, and proceeded to bawl my eyes out. I was not bitter, just hurt. I kinda had a vision or ah-ha moment or whatever you want to call it... I thought I was so ready to go to the temple. But because I did not pay attention to the little things, I was denied access. It made me think of the final days when we get to the pearly gates and Father in Heaven will look at us and say, "Enter, sister - well done" to some and to others He will look and say "Oh, I'm sorry, you go the other way." And that will be it. Either we make it or we don't. What a wake up call! I am not going to get to the final point and be told, "Oh, sorry - you go the other way" while the rest of "YOU" are invited in to the Celestial Kingdom. What will keep us from entering? Just a little thing? Like an expired card? Or... Failing to be of service to our neighbors or ANYONE in need? Speaking unkindly to family members? Judging others? Sabbath day activities? Tithing? Gossip? Not listening to promptings we might receive? AAUUGGHH... So all we can do is...the best we can. Live each day as if it is our last and determine in our hearts that we will NOT BE FOUND TO BE EXPIRED in our final day. The end!


Kim Greer said...

...and then you came to my messy house. ;) That totally stinks that you didn't get to go, but thanks for the reminder, it really is the little things.

Keri said...

Oh I am so sorry. I have had that happen to me and it is a horrible feeling. Thanks for sharing your feelings, we all need to be a little more prepared.

Terra May said...

We only went to sacrament meeting before heading home this morning so I will count this as my RS lesson for today. Lots to think about. I'm sorry that had to happen to you. What a bummer! You kind of don't think about it expiring as much now that they're good for 2 years-at least I don't.

Jenn said...

Wow, that is pretty poignant to think about. There are a few things that are my "favorite sins" or guilty pleasures, but none so great or hard to get rid of that I want them to keep me out. Thanks for the reminder. I am very sorry you couldn't go in; how frusterating that must have been!

Shearmommie said...

I didn't like that at all. It made me very sad:( Thanks for lunch Uncel Nedly!