Thursday, June 25, 2009


I have this bad habit at home of sitting my cell phone down and then not being able to find it when I need it. So someone has to speed dial me and we all stand around listening for it. Last night, I "did it again" so Ned dialed my number. Kam and I could hear it, but it was really faint and we couldn't locate it. Ned dialed it again and we narrowed it down to the kitchen. Kam and I looked at each other and giggled, then proceeded to open the fridge...

Yup, there it sat. We went to Cafe Sabor for dinner (my reward for finishing the ride) and brought home the leftovers. When walking in from the truck, I conveniently sat the phone on the box... the rest is history! At least I didn't have to worry about it over-heating!


Terra May said...

It's because you're getting so old. Just kiding! I usually leave strange stuff in the cupboard where we keep the cups.

The Trenery's said...

HE HE Crack Up!

Jenn said...

That is so funny! :D Love it! You and my hubby!