Sunday, June 20, 2010

Babes are growing so fast & Fathers Day

New pic to show how quick these little ducks are growing up! Tomorrow we are going to teach them how to swim... Stay tuned for more updates. They are 2 weeks old today.

This was when they were 5 days old.

We went up to Sunrise Campground after church to celebrate Fathers Day.  Grandpa and Gaye and Nolan and Melissa joined us for tinfoil dinners, fruit salad and cake.  Tried new strawberry marshmellows for s'mores but didn't exactly like the results...  Original marshmellows are hard to beat!
Bob (Grandpa) turned 92 last week and still is going strong.  I love that man!

Sunrise Campground

Ned and the kids...

 Bob and Gaye, Ned, Kayd and Shani
Kamren and... ME!
(And just for the record, that is NED doing donkey ears on Shani, not me)

Robert Calder - Dad, Grandpa, and one AWESOME man!


Kim Greer said...

Good to know, I've wondered how the strawberry marshmallows would be for s'mores. Guess I won't try it.

Terra May said...

I've never even heard of strawberry marshmallows. Your family looks so happy in those pictures! Is the lake going to be warm soon?