Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Preparing for PROM

So as I mentioned earlier, we told Shani if she got asked to the Jr. Prom, she could go even though she won't be 16 until 5 days after the prom.  We decided if we haven't taught her right from wrong yet, those last 5 days aren't going to make a difference...  Her date is Bradley Holmes, a senior from Randolph, and Kaydens' best friend.  They are all taking the ACT test the morning of prom, so luckily they won't be doing the all-day-long date thing.  Thursday they are going to go to E-town bowling and out to dinner, then Saturday to the dance.  The prom is still pretty traditional here - it is held in the high school gym, the jr class does a floor show, the senior class dances with their parents, and the whole bloomin' town comes out to watch.  Last year was the first time I went and it was really fun.  Anyway, Shan is my only girl, so I have to document the whole thing so future generations can admire/laugh all they want to!

THE QUESTION:  One day in Mr. Kays' English class, there was a noise in one of the closets.  He ask Shani to open the door and see what it was.  She got up and went half way to it and said "No, I don't want to." So this other girl said "Here, I'll do it." And Mr. Kay promptly said "Sit down, Alex - Shani, go get it!" So she opens the door and there is an alarm clock and a note saying, "Don't be alarmed, but will you go to prom with me"  Then there was a tshirt and on front it said "Will you go to Prom with me" and then on the back it had lots of different guys' names.  So she went and washed the tshirt and all the names washed out except for his (Bradley) and Chuck Norris (his hero!). 

THE ANSWER:  That night we got on Ebay and found an action toy of Chuch Norris and she hurried and ordered it.  Then she put him on a poster that read: "Not even CHUCK NORRIS could keep me from going to Prom with you".  Is that cute, or what?

THE DRESS:  We have a neighbor, Toni Post, who is an excellent seamstress, so I ask her to make Shanis' dress.  Shan had found what she wanted on the internet and it was ONLY $399 so we gave Toni a picture of it and she "created" her own pattern.  It turned out... simply beautiful.  I took the camcorder to JoAnnes, videoed all the different colors of material, and brought them home to my much-to-busy-to-go-to-town daughter. I was afraid the employees would laugh at me but they said people do that all of the time.  So she chose a very, very bright pink.  None of the pics do the color justice - hopefully the night of the prom it will show its' true colors.

First, Toni made a "fake" pattern to make sure it was going to fit - that's how precise she is.  Next, she made the top and had us come try it on.  It has all these gathers in it.

And now tonight, ta da!  It is finished.  I couldn't get her to try it on (too busy) tonight but trust me... I will get plenty of pics that night.

THE NECKLACE: Last week we went to town and got a new necklace:

THE TIARA:  Jilly Jill is going to do her hair and make-up Saturday afternoon, so we also bought a tiara for her hair: (Do you remember I was always going to name my first girl Tiara?)

THE NAILS:  Got new nails, with the third finger being painted the same color as the dress with a white flower on it:

THE SHOES:  Lastly, new shoes!  I told her they are too tall, but how do you change the mind of an almost 16 year old?  I think she will now be taller than Brad...

So, the count-down begins... Stay tuned for Saturday night!


Terra May said...

How exciting! The dress looks great!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, the nostalgia! It was fun while it lasted, having three girls going to high school dances. I miss those days, so thanks for sharing and letting us experience this one with you! Hope she has a great time.

Amy said...

Holy Cow....when you don't live in Utah you loose track on how old everyone is. She is soooooooooo not almost 16! Have fun Shani, you only get to get all dressed a few times in your life! Go all out it is the best way. Love the dress and all the accessories. Can't wait to see pictures and the boy is very cute!

Kim Greer said...

How fun!! I love the documentation. The dress is beautiful. Oh, and how come her name isn't Tiara?? I do remember that.

Calderberry said...

Not Tiara? Because when I fell in love, I named one of our first calves Tiara... Then when I finally gave birth to my OWN daughter, it just didn't seem right! Lesson to be learned - don't name your pets the same name you plan on naming your children! :0)

Brittney said...

You are such a cool mom! Makes me look forward to that day, but I am okay with it being a long long ways out still. Truthfully, I'd like to keep Saige little. BUT how fun and exciting! I am staying tuned!

Jenn said...

What a fun dress! I loved dressing up for dances! How exciting for you guys! Can't wait to see Shan all gussied up!
Also, LOVE the Easter graffiti! :)