Saturday, July 11, 2009

Today was day camp for our cub scouts at Camp Hunt. It was a really good camp - as far as scout camps go. :0) But the closing ceremony was totally awesome. The Scout Council had received a flag which had earned the honor to be retired. It came from Iraq and had been involved in a roadside bombing, in which 5 soldiers were killed. During the ceremony, the flag was unfolded and displayed for all to view. You could even see burn marks on it from the attack. Then the audience said the Pledge of Allegience and three gun shots were fired. At this point, the flag was very respectfully lowered into the fire as a scout played Taps. Wow - you could have heard a pin drop. It was a very moving moment for the boys - one they won't forget for a long, long time.

They also had a blast doing everything from shooting bb guns to swimming and canoeing, to identifying different animal skins.

Shooting bb guns

Learning to stamp leather

Roping a steer

Trying to light a fire

Our happy, happy (but tired) pack!


Jenn said...

What a great memory to have! Looks like so much fun, too!

Anonymous said...

Such fun! Makes me really miss my days with cub scouts. Enjoy these experiences!