Friday, October 2, 2009

When Life Gives You...


You make SALSA!

When life gives you RASPBERRIES. . .

You make leather!

And Chocolate-covered raspberries!

And Raspberry Peach Jam!

When you drive through Brigham City...

You buy peaches and make peach jam (Jesses' favorite)!

And when life gives you potatoes... I guess you just eat them! We have an AWESOME crop of potatoes - this bucket full is from a single plant. Yes, I fed them steroids... The rest of the harvest included putting up tons of Lillywhite corn (freezer bags) zuccini (shredded, in 2 cup bags) beans and peas (blanched and put in 2 cup bags). Mom would be so proud... Oh yeah, did I forget to mention we froze a "few" raspberries?


Kim Greer said...

I'm jealous! Maybe next year I will have a similar story to tell! :)

Terra May said...

Your mom would be proud! I want to try some leather. I remember grandma's in the fruit room downstairs-yummy!

Jenn said...

If you had excess in raspberries, why didn't you advertise to a beloved niece so she could buy some from you!? I've been searching everywhere for some so I can get more jam made soon! Looks like you got a great crop of everything!

Keri said...

I think you need to show me how to make that raspberry leather. mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm.

Jodi said...

MMMMMMmmmmmm send me some! I am so impressed! I had good intentions this year but no follow through! Oh well there is always next year and now I know where to go for recipes and advice! LOL!