Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Forgotten Carols

To those who are familiar with The Forgotten Carols, you will totally relate to this post; to those who haven't seen it, plan now to attend next year. The kids and I went to the Forgotten Carols last night at USU. That is the third year we have gone together and the 4th time for me. And I think each year it means more and more to me. The kids have been looking forward to it as much as I have. Still haven't got Ned to go with us but we all think next year will be the magic year... They were having "technical issues" and were trying to deal with them so Michael McLean came out and entertained us ad-lib while they were working on it. That was pretty fun. Our seats were on the second row on the aise, towards stage right so we were right in front of where most of the dialog between John and Connie Lou take place. That was awsome, too. You know how it ends, everyone all LINKED up together - and you know how there is hardly a dry eye in the audience... I looked to my side and there were my three "angels" all linked up. I really lost it then. There is nothing like the love of a mother for her kids. And seeing them all linked up was - unexplainable. But I know that you have all experienced the same thing at one time or another. What a way to start off the holiday season. Remember - if you haven't seen the show, decide NOW to make it part of your holiday celebrations next year. Wow...


Terra May said...

Great memories and picture! Is it from your cell? Bren and Al got one with him Saturday but I can't figure out how to get it off their cell phone.

Jenn said...

I haven't been in so long; I think MM had dark hair last time I saw it! :) How do you keep getting pictures with such amazing people?!

Leslie Garbanati said...

I am a blog stalker! Forgive me for jumping over from Mandy's. It is so fun to see your kids! Can they really be so grown up? It makes me feel old to see them so big! Email me and I will add you to my blog invite list and add you to my list of blogs I read (if that's okay!)
Leslie (Harris) Garbanati

The Trenery's said...

We usually go to the Forgotten Carols every year too! We couldn't make it this year but it is my very favorite! Plus your story of the long johns is a bonus!!!

Terra May said...

Plan on updating this anytime soon?