Tuesday, November 11, 2008

ThanKfUl ThiNgS

Day #3: Today I will spare you the joy/pain of a picture and just verbalize... Today (which is really the llth) I am thankful for DEMORAL! Hope I spelled that right for all you family med/transcrpit people. Yes, DEMORAL. Yesterday I had the distinct pleasure of experiencing a COLONOSCOPY. Talk about invading a persons' privacy! The actual proceedure must not have been too bad since I slept through the whole thing... (thanx to my buddy, demoral). But the two days prior were pure he_ _. The stuff you have to drink to "cleanse" the system was simply aweful. In fact, a friend sent me an email today and in it the guy describes the taste as "a cross between goat spit and urinal cleanser, with just a hint of lemon". And he was right on! And let me tell you how effective this little drink is... No use wasting time, KABOOM! And this drink thing had to happen not just once, but twice. But the worest part of all was being on a liquid diet for 40 hours. I was about suicidal. And this family of mine was anything but sympathetic. As they were eating and snacking, they would say, "whatcha wanna drink now, mom?" Anyway, it is all over and I am "clean as a whistle". My email address is tec@cut.net if any of you would like to request copies of the photos of the proceedure. :0)


Terra May said...

Been there, done that! Not fun. I couldn't even remember getting dressed afterwards. It's actually Demerol, but you don't have to know how to spell it to love it!

Jenn said...

Yuck. Wow, haven't had that experience yet, but thanks! Did you lose any weight from the liquid diet? ;)

Shearmommie said...

Spare me the pics!! Did you take them yourself!!!HAHAHAHAHA. Hey, did you get YOUR m&ms?! And did he get his?! Even more HaHAHAHA!