Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Poor Loser?

Yup, that's me. I just walked by the TV and told Obama to shush up cuz I was already tired of hearing him. What's this world coming to? No, don't answer that...


Kim Greer said...

I feel the same way! I turned off the tv, and avoided reading the news. Yikes.

Jenn said...

Amen. I cannot understand people. They blame Bush, but do they not understand the Congress is the main decision maker, and it's been a DEMOCRATIC congress?!?!?! Duh!
The thing that creeps me out about the guy is how much he resembles Amalikiah. (He's around Alma 46 or so. Not a good guy.) In the words of Rick O'Connell (The Mummy): "We are in very serious trouble."

Terra May said...

I totally agree with you. I had a bad feeling he was going to win. I think he's the beginning of the end of the world. We all know how bad the world has to get before the Savior comes again. I guess all we can do is to continue to pray for our world leaders.

Shearmommie said...

We have had alot of "no tv" time. It is amazing how scared the kids are and the stuff they get from school. Jordyn hates him cause she heard "if you don't want your baby, you can just kill it." We are just going to keep trying to do the right things and pray it all works out. (or move to Canada)