Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Todays vocabulary word is...

I N T U S S U S C E P T I O N:  "...When one part of the bowel folds "inside-out".  One part of the bowel encompasses another part like a telescope.  Solved by applying one mega-sized barium enema to the "affected area".  Does not make an 11-year old very happy...


After !

Amazing what a little pain medicine can do for a kid!!!  Threw up a few times during the night and then started screaming randomly when pain would come.  Called doc and went to clinic and diagnosed it as appendicitis.  Went to LRH and after an ultrasound, they decided it was that lovely word intussusception. Option was to try enema and see if the pressure of it would unfold the inside-out area.  As uncomfortable as it was, it worked.  Chance it will happen again in the next few days and if so, they operate and remove the bad part of the intestine.  BUT... that is not all.  Although the appendix was only slightly enlarged, there is a round, hard thing in it.  Like a stone I guess.  So have to go see a specialist on Monday to decide what direction to go with that one... Stay tuned!!!  (Never  a dull moment, is there mothers...)

And may I please give one great big THANKS to Trish Wallentine and her kids for filling in at the raspberry stand... That's what friends are for!


Kim Greer said...

Poor Kam! I have a friend that happened to a few months ago...I won't tell you the rest of the story though. I hope he feels better soon!!

Amy said...

Good luck with that one. We will keep him in our prayers.

Darling Family said...

I'm glad he's okay. Hopefully that will be the end of that. Good luck.

Jenn said...

How sad! I'm so sorry for Kam - give him a big hug for us! Let us know what happens!

Terra May said...

I love that you had your camera though! Has he had any more episodes?