Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sweet memories....

Sunday was our Stake Conference down (up) in Paris.  It was our turn to have the broadcast version of conference and I couldn't believe how many people were in attendance compared to our usual crowd.  The speakers were Sister Barbara Thompson of the general Relief Society, Elder Dallin H. Oaks and I am sorry but one other that I cannot remember his name.  Then, President Monson talked.  It was a great meeting, except... all the speakers kept commenting on how great it was to be speaking to the saints of Idaho - hard for a Utahn to be mistaken for an Idaho spud!

Anyway, we were up on the balcony (tradition) and I was watching this little girl who was totally out of control (about 4 years old). She was sitting in the middle of the middle row and kept crossing over this elderly couple to get out in the aisle and run around.  Then an older sibling would scoot past them to go round her up.  I could tell they were getting pretty agitated.  The next time I looked back at them my heart jumped up in my throat and tears came to my eyes.  The elderly lady grabbed her, sat her down next to her, and proceeded to make what?  THE SAME THING MY MOM USED TO MAKE DURING CHURCH!  Can you guess what it was?

First, you take a hankie and fold it in half to form a triangle. Then you roll the two long corners in until they meet each other. Now the next part is the trick! You fold the bottom upper corner backwards to the straight edge, push the babies around a little bit, and presto! You have twins in a swing!

The little girl was mezmerized!  And I just wanted to cry... She never moved the rest of the meeting.  So those who remember mom making these for us, go ahead and shed a tear.  For those who have never tried, pull out a hankie and see if you can follow my crazy directions!  Have fun!


Shearmommie said...

I don't remember it being Grandma but YOU who taught me that! And monster guts:) along with the care bears and gum! SWEET MEMORIES

Calderberry said...

And notice that all of those memories are from church! What a shining example I am...

Terra May said...

I knew you were going to say that the moment I saw the hankie. One of my few memories of grandma. I do think of you though every time I open the front of the hymn book. And, I think of Randy every time I see that Sweet is the Work hymn.

Amy said...

That is so funny. I can see Grandma and her old wrinkled hands making it for me and trying and trying to teach me how to. I had totally forgot about that. I to remember the Sweet is the work song Sweet, sweet, my , but. Do you all remember that when you open the hymn book and you see the green, that song is O monster guts. Love the church memories.

Jenn said...

I do remember that...vaguely. But I also remember you doing that! And teaching me to blow bubbles with my gum!