Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More Silly Family Pics Featuring...

Amy, Santa and Kirk - Dec. 7, 1974 I see Joeys' eyes in this one.

Kirk - 11 years old.

"The Three Traveling Tutu's"

Amys attempt at being a cowgirl - check out the boots!

This one brought back lots of memories - the family skating rink! Picture was taken in February of 19 _ _. Let's see who can fill in the year.

Last for tonight, Amy modeling her Little Red Riding Hood sweater. (Sorry Lar :0) )


Shearmommie said...

Ha Ha Ha! I guess 1976ish!

Eki said...

Close, but no cigar. Amy looks to be two, so it must be 77.

JD Rutledge said...

Don't I have the cutest three sisters ever!