Okay - Laurie (my old(est) sister) has been given the assignment to write a history of our mom for a up-and-coming family reunion. Being the great delegator that she is, she ask me to go through my boxes of pictures and try to find stuff that would work for this history. Well, I struck out on things about mom, but boy, did I score on finding old pictures of our family. I haven't laughed this hard in a long, long, time. I hope you, too, will get as big a kick out of them as I have. I downloaded about 30 of them so I will load a few of them each night. WARNING: empty your bladder before attempting to look at these most awesome family treasures.

Okay - we always knew he had issues trying to figure out his identity, but this was REALLY pushing the issue. My kids all thought this one was Laurie.
Can't you just see Mom laughing til she cried while taking these pictures?

Can you guess who this one is, catching a few zzz's after a rough day of rodeoing?

Here he is a few years later - cheesing it up!
Crazy!! I laughed pretty hard! Look at my mom being on top of things:0
Tammy how can I ever thank you for these pictures?? Thanks to modern technology we can also forward them to everyone and anyone we know. This is so great, Kristina
Will Smith has always reminded me of Randy. I think his mouth in the 2nd picture looks like Will's. Don't you?
Wow, those are awesome! Keep 'em coming!
Oh my gosh is right! You and lip stick and pearls. Love IT!
That is so hilarious! Amen - Keep 'em coming! (I have to show the girly one to my brothers - they thought they were the only boys tortured into dressing like girls!)
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