Monday, April 20, 2009

Husband for Sale - CHEAP!

Okay - any and all male readers may now stop reading this post. Sometimes a woman needs to vent and this just might get ugly. So go back to the couch or refrigerator or what ever else you were doing.

Ladies - Let me explain the setting... All winter XXX (name has been changed to protect the not-so-innocent) kept saying that he wanted to put in a wood floor in our entry way and down the hallway. A few weeks ago I told him if he was going to do it, he better get on it or it would be spring and he wouldn't have time to. So we went to town, made the purchase, came home and got right after it. Things went "fairly" smooth... Too many chiefs and not enough indians, but we made it. Of course, being a woman, I couldn't let a perfect opportunity pass me by so I opted to paint the walls in the corresponding area. I wanted something just a little funky so I decided to go with something faux. I went to Bennets in Logan and THE nicest lady told me faux was out, except for a technique called "frotage". (I still have the video if any one wants to borrow it). In a nutshell, you paint a base coat, then mix a darker color with some glaze and apply it in sections. While still wet, you take brown paper like you mail packages in, crumple it up, spread it back out, hold it against the wall, and smooth it out with a wallpaper brush, then remove the paper. It gives it kind of a crackled appearance. I forgot to mention that last year I painted one of the entry way walls a darkish brown and wanted to leave it, so had to match the faux walls to it and the new wood floor. So, went with some really light colors - a creamy color for the base and then a yellowish cream for the glazed color. To put it politely, the process was a pain in the BOTTOM! The hallway has not 1, not 2, but 5, yes count them, 5 doors in it that I had to mask off, paint around, etc. And I could only do it when Shani was available because it was definately a two-person job, and XXX did NOT have the patience to help me! So it took almost a week to get it done. Upon completion, you guessed it - I was not happy with it. The technique was awesome, and the walls looked great - but it was like the brown wall, the floor and the new walls were all competing against each other or something. XXX said that he thought it was okay and to just hurry up and get it finished... (Imagine me rolling my eyes at this point). So back to the store I went, with photos for show-and tell, seeking more advice. She (the NICEST lady) said she couldn't help me without seeing something more concrete so back home I went, painted a board with the base color, let it dry, frotaged the darker color, let it dry, and painted the brown of the "other" wall on the back, found a piece of leftover flooring, and trucked back over the hill. I know this is getting long, but hang in there - I am almost done. Take a potty break and hurry back! The NICEST lady helped me pick out a THIRD NEW color, which was in-between the dark brown and the frotaged stuff, another gallon of glaze, and yup, a new technique. This time I was to apply the "new" color with a cotton rag (50/50 works, too :) ), in a wiping motion, kind of like the KARATE KID when he was doing the "Wax On, Wax Off" thingy. Kind of like ragging it, but not really. So I have worked on that for the last four days. I REALLY like it - kind of has a leather-like appearance to it. But very labor-intensive, too. So today I was about 3/4 the way done, when I stopped to go change the laundry. While I was walking down the hallway, XXX, who was at the command center in a horizontal position (aka the couch), hollered and said "I liked it better the other way..." I stopped and contemplated which method of murder would be the easiest to administer and clean up after... But kept my wits about me and continued to the utility room, choosing to use the technique of "selective hearing" and just pretend like I didn't hear him. After I had prepared and cleaned up lunch, changed the laundry again, and began to paint once more, XXXs' phone rang and he announced that he was going to go check out the fish that his buddy had just caught. As he saundered out the door, he turned around and said "I really liked the other color better" and he was gone. Now you know why he is for sale. Any takers? Let me know soon because by morning (and a night on the couch!)I will most likely have found a reason or two to keep him. Thanks for letting me vent. And by the way, I just went back and timed this and it only took you approximately 5 minutes and 24 seconds to read through it all, and hopefully you smiled once or twice. Now, I bid you farewell, XXX is snoring in the room next door and I need to do the dinner dishes, change the laundry again, and continue painting!


Terra May said...

Painting sucks!! If I was a painting expert or could even pretend to be one, I would give you some advice. Tell Ned he can only have an opinion if he helps! If it makes you feel better, my husband is for sale tonight too!

Kim Greer said...

That's just great, since I spent over a hundred bucks this weekend on paint and supplies to go paint my new house in 2 days. I'm so excited now. But you did give me some smiles, so thanks! :)

Calderberry said...

#1 - do not allow the Health inspector, your brother or your father in the house while painting.
#2 - do what YOU want, not what any one else says to.
#3 - As much as we all hate it, CALL US before asking a male species to help. We'll be there...soon!
By the way - your new house looks fun... Way to go.

Calderberry said...

I got it! We'll all sale our husbands and buy a new house together! Kind of like FLDS only minus the males!!! I speak to do the yard work. Who wants to do the painting? :0)

The Trenery's said...

Oh don't worry I still have my two halls to paint! I truly don't know if Marc has ever helped me paint....the whole house! I agree..even if the spouse doesn't like it...who cares... WE DO! Been there too! Maybe we ought to try out Husband Swap.. get new ones for a while!

Jodi said...

That is hilarious because I can so relate!!

Shearmommie said...

You should have called Unlce JOhn! Why are you asking the lady at the paint store and not us "experienced" painters?

Laurie Rutledge said...

I have to agree about husbands being a pain most of the time. But, my dear hubby is a fantastic painter and would much rather do it than have me do it which is okay with me any day. But I don't know about all the special finishes. I'm sure they would put him over the edge!

JD Rutledge said...

Sorry, I didn't follow the caution and kept on reading. I thought it was pretty funny. A little to harsh on the male species. We do have some good qualities. At least XXX didn't follow his opinion with "redo it or else", he at least let you do what you wanted. For some reason I feel a little nervous about posting this comment. Oh well!