Tuesday, March 31, 2009

EnOUgH is eNOuGH!

Okay - I like to think of myself as a pretty easy-going, kick-back, go-with-the-flow kinda gal... But I have about had a belly-full of this infamous snow our State is famous for! And it is not even April Fools Day yet! Speaking of... I can tell you this now since it is too late for you to warn him: Kayd and I have an on-going battle on April Fools to see who can get who the best. I wanted to get a good, early start so Shan and I put an alarm clock under his bed and set it to go off at 2:56 a.m.! Is that awesome or what? It will take him ETERNITY to find it and get to it. I am sitting here giggling just thinking about it! Tee hee!!! This is by far my favorite holiday of the year! Back to the snow... We got dumped on! And I don't think the storm has hardly even hit yet - kids are hoping for a snowday tomorrow. And I was hoping to get to Logan... Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Ha-ha, what a nice mom you are to deprive your son of his much needed sleep! His revenge will be sweet, I'm sure!

As far as your snow accumulation --for once I'm glad it's you and not us getting this storm! (At least at this point we've only got an inch of new snow!)

The Trenery's said...

AMEN! How's your house coming? Are you divorced yet!?!

Terra May said...

I agree! You got a lot more than we did. Boy Aus, he just wants to go to the beach!

Bren switched cereal bags into different boxes this morning. Sneaky kid! What has Kayd done to you?

Jodi said...

Wow that is crazy!!

JD Rutledge said...

How did it go with Kayden?