Sunday, September 14, 2008


Today was Kaydens' 16 birthday - can he really be that old? Watch out world! Shani came up with the idea for a SURPRISE birthday party and we actually pulled it off. Starting Friday morning, she started a text message telling everyone about it and then they forwarded it to each other. The football team announced it on the bus before they picked Kayden up yesterday on the way to Westside, ID. Had about 30 kids show up. Served hot dogs, chips, pop and cake and ice cream.


Shearmommie said...

He can't be that old cause I remember when he was born, and I am NOT that old! Happy B-day Kade

Terra May said...

Wow! Boy you must be old to have a 16-year-old child! Does he get his license Monday? I'm not sure how drivers ed works in your neck of the woods. Happy Birthday Kayden! What a sweet sister to plan a surprise pary.