Sunday, May 31, 2009

Final Family Pics for a while...

In case you haven't noticed, I am bored of posting old family pics so tonite will be the final one. And as I promised, I have saved the best for last... ME! In scrapbooking, they always say you need to scrap about yourself, too, but that is so hard for me to do... But I will give it a shot. Nothing means more to me than heritage, and I am so proud of mine. Grandma Atkinson was the greatest ever. My two favorite - nope, scrap that, there will be more than two... Anyway, my favorite memories of her include catching penny bugs in the front ditch; catching frogs out back; playing checkers on the floor in the family room; her asking me to learn to fly a "whirly bird" (helicopter) so she could get back and forth to Cache Valley quicker and easier; and playing the game where you throw the ball over the roof to each other - like "Annie I Over" or something like that. What an awesome lady.

And thanks to Grandma, I got the absolute, without a doubt, greatest mother in the world. A few memories of mom include, getting caught in a rain storm while picking raspberries and sitting under the bushes trying to keep dry and laughing our guts out; her laugh-it was kind of a silent laugh-no sound to it, and how her eyes always watered when we laughed so hard; all the dogs we always had; her polyester pants-don't think she ever owned a pair of levis; how supportive she was of mine, and the rest of yours, athletic endeavors, up until the week before she died, she was still watching me play softball at the ballpark; her love to travel; how she always kept the car on "empty" (according to dad); her monotone singing voice-that she was never afraid to use at church singing hymns; how hard she worked to make Christmas "just right"; and a trait that I have definately picked up from her: how to fall asleep as soon as the car engine starts... I could go on for hours... But just the fact that she let me, be me.

So- do you dig the wringlets? Pretty dang cute, huh?

And how about this letter? You guys can all have your 4.0's and Honor Society's and so forth - but NONE of you can compete with this fine letter from Principle Jensen - eat your hearts out! No wonder I went in to the field of Law Enforcement! P.S. Make sure and click on the letter so you can read it!

Next, a picture of the Motely Crew... Ha, ha, ha! Check out my gut! Can you believe it? Oh what I would give for a magic pill that would make me that skinny again...

And lastly, me and my sunshine girl. Hopefully she will be as proud of her heritage as I am of mine. The end.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Calders and Spandex...

The Calder family is proud to say that our children are fairly proficient at most sports...Basketball, football, volleyball, recreational softball, golf, frisbee, bowling... you get the picture. Never in our wildest dreams did we ever think they would give it all up for the sport of... TRACK & FIELD! But both of them qualified for State and helped to bring home a first-ever 1st place for the boys and the girls got 2nd. Hip, hip, horray!

Shani ran both the 800 and 1600, and qualified in the 1600.

Kayd tried the high jump, long jump and javelin, and qualified in both the jav and the long jump.

And we can't leave out the little guy-this is him whoopin' on his class mates at his field day this last week.

If the truth were known, I think Kayd and Shan both joined the team for the social aspect and the sunshine... but both ended up thinkin' the sport was kinda cool and I bet we'll see both of them in spandex again next year!

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Kamrens school put on a singing/dancing program this last week. It was totally awesome. Each class sang a couple of songs and did a couple of dances, then there were songs/dances that the whole school did together. The kids had a blast. The theme was "Dancing with the NRE Stars" and the songs were like "Tie A Yellow Ribbon", "Blue Suade Shoes", "Singin' In the Rain", "Raindrops Keep Fallin", etc.

Kamren and Reesha cuttin' it up - he kept telling me they were the best dancers in his class!

He really did have fun doing it - just wouldn't think of smiling! He told me he was too busy concentrating.

And you know me - had to take advantage of a fun photo op!

And just for the record, I sewed 6 of the black skirts!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Look what followed us home!!!

We are pleased to introduce LEWIS, the newest member of Ol' McNedleys Farm!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More Silly Family Pics Featuring...

Amy, Santa and Kirk - Dec. 7, 1974 I see Joeys' eyes in this one.

Kirk - 11 years old.

"The Three Traveling Tutu's"

Amys attempt at being a cowgirl - check out the boots!

This one brought back lots of memories - the family skating rink! Picture was taken in February of 19 _ _. Let's see who can fill in the year.

Last for tonight, Amy modeling her Little Red Riding Hood sweater. (Sorry Lar :0) )

Sunday, May 3, 2009

RE: Ashleys blog...What is it about a cupcake?

I don't know Ash, but check this guy out... See any resemblance?

And I think this lil gal kinda likes her cupcake, too!

Round 3 - Here we go!

Be Patient - so I missed a day or two... Don't ya hate it when life gets in the way of life...? And don't worry - I plan on posting pics of myself, too - just saving the "Best for Last!"

Who could this tall, skinny, handsome guy be? On the back of this one, Mom wrote ____ and ____ in the corn patch Aug. 15 - '76

And how 'bout this birthday girl? I erased the name off the cake in case any of you are playing "name that relative" with your kids. Don't ya just love the wallpaper? Here's a clue - back of pic says May '61...

Same wall paper, but who is the cute little smiley baby? Back of picture says 6 months.

And last, but not least...I have submitted this one to David Letterman for "Stupid Family Tricks" - bet they win!