Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Here Kitty, Kitty...

Come here little kitty...


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Need A Little Help Here...

To all you Betty Crocker wanna-be's out there, I have a burning question... I will start out admitting that I did not pay attention in Mrs. Brodero's 7th grade cooking class, and I am still paying for my mistake. Cooking never has been and never will be a favorite pass time of mine. Enough said. So I was thumbing through the recipe book tonite trying to decide what to make with chicken for dinner. Came across this recipe and was doing fine until... The fourth ingredient threw me for a loop. Never in all my days have I seen a recipe that called for: 1/2 cup water shredded.

How in the world do you shred water???? This is killing me and my family is shriveling up due to starvation so please reply as quickly as possible!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Big Freezzzzzzzzzzze!

It has been really foggy this week, but I took advantage of it and scored on some photos. Ice crystals are the coolest thing ever. But I was definately ready for the change of weather we got tonight! :o)

Basketball, Anyone?

Kayden had a great bball game tonight against Evanston. They won 72-64 and he had 34 points.